


Ayurveda is a way of life, living in harmony with the natural world, cycles and intelligence. This complete healing system originated in India 5000 years ago and focuses on creating balance for the physical body, senses, psyche and spirit. It teaches how to align with nature’s wisdom and our inner intelligence, offering lifestyle guidance for health and happiness. The fundamental guidelines are rooted in recommendations for diet, daily and seasonal routines, meditation, yoga, herbs and bodywork, promoting physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing, views each individual as a unique combination of energies known as doshas. Through personalized guidance, Ayurveda empowers individuals to align their lifestyle with their unique constitution, promoting optimal health and well-being. It’s a way of life that respects the individual’s energy, offering a path to balance and self-discovery.

Ayurveda at The Sanctuary

Discover the transformative power of Ayurveda at The Sanctuary, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing practices. During my sessions, expect personalized recommendations for diet, daily routine, and lifestyle practices. Dive into the holistic realms of yoga, meditation, and body care, fostering self-knowledge for self-healing. These practices pave the way for a healthy body, calm mind, and emotional balance—opening up pathways to spiritual growth and inner freedom.

Sattva Wellness at The Sanctuary

Join me for a journey into holistic well-being, balance, and resilience with Sattva—representing purity, harmony, and truth. Rooted in Ayurveda, these sessions are an invitation to co-create a life of radiant health and inner peace. If you’re seeking guidance in Ayurveda, whether for anxiety relief, holistic well-being, or self-discovery, I am here to support you. Follow-ups can be done in person or via Zoom. Stay tuned for future workshops at The Sanctuary.

Book a FREE consult to explore our work together: sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

Our Ayurveda Practitioner