
Dr. Kathleen Harley

Dr. Kathleen Harley

Dr. Kathleen Harley, N.D., CHT, CMT offering innovative therapies and compassionate health care. Dr. Harley earned her Bachelor of Arts at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) in Anthropology with a focus on Medical Anthropology and PreMed. While completing her medical school prerequisites she attended UCSC’s Holistic Health Program earning a certificate in Holistic Health and Massage Therapy. After graduating she worked as a social worker for Santa Cruz County before deciding to continue her education and pursue her interest in health care. Dr. Harley attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences (Tempe, AZ) where she earned a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree. She has been in private practice offering integrative treatments for over 12 years since obtaining a primary care license as a naturopathic doctor in the State of California in 2011.

Dr. Harley has completed additional specialized training in intravenous nutritional therapies, intramuscular vitamin therapies, clinical chelation and complementary detoxification methods, ozone and prolozone therapies. As well as hypnotherapy and quantum hypnosis healing technique (QHHT), allergy desensitization treatments, integrative medicine for mental health, low dose naltrexone therapy, methylene blue therapy, anti-aging, functional lab interpretation. She is also a trained facilitator for group workshops on Taking Action for Wellness through Conscious Educators.

Today, Dr. Harley’s private practice focuses on treating musculoskeletal pain, injuries and degenerative conditions utilizing nutrients, botanicals, homeopathy and ozone therapies, including prolozone injections, to relieve pain and stimulate healing. She also specializes in gastrointestinal disorders, graceful aging, chronic age related conditions, detoxification and elimination support for heavy metals and other environmental toxins. Immunology (autoimmunity, allergies and immune system strengthening and rebalancing), mental health, mind body medicine, chronic fatigue, neurotransmitter and hormone balancing, including adrenal, sex hormones, blood sugar dysregulation, etc.

When she is not practicing medicine, she enjoys art, writing and reading poetry, pursuing spiritual interests, listening to music, dancing, skiing, hiking, gardening, cooking, yoga, meditating, exploring the mysteries of the universe, playing with her three dogs and spending time with her family and friends.