Yoga Teacher
Journey, self love , growth
Yoga showed up for me when I needed to look within and do work to heal . I fell in love with its qualities of quieting the mind and moving with heart . Yoga is freedom to heal and love yourself as you practice . After every class, I always felt like I figured a part of the puzzle of life out . So many instructors before me inspired me with their kindness and thoughtfulness, easing the chaos of our world around us, and I chose to “pass the torch” of this sacred practice in service so that my inspiration may help someone else find self-love and healing through our sacred shared community of yoga.
200 RYT through yoga alliance
Certified personal trainer through ISSA international sports science association.
My female leaders in this community!! They help me aspire to more an offer more in this community and that’s how I better change the world. I wouldn’t be anything with the beautiful ladies that surround me of all ages pushing through barriers and creating beautiful fruitful lives for themselves. They care for everyone and they seek to change the dynamic of self-love, sustainability and secret communion with the lands!!
TAHOE IS THE BESSTTT!! I love the PURE JOY the outdoors brings me and all my friends here. It’s the intention to LIVE FULLY in the outdoors everyday that keeps me here and the ease of adventuring! You can pop out to a trail behind your house, go swimming in the lake or rent equipment on the fly to see the mountains. CLIMBING IS MY FAVORITE SPORT and the fact that you can go climb all over the lake is HEAVEN!!! I LOVE THIS PLACE WITH ALLL MY HEART! I appreciate living in a place that celebrates SUSTAINABILITY of our beautiful lands and all it provides . After 12 years here I still can’t get enough and after college here in Tahoe at SNC (which was so RAD) I realized that I had SO much adventuring to do before I moved. The more hiking, CLIMBING, biking, skiing and camping I do, the more I realize this magical place called Tahoe is divinely integrated in my soul and I was meant to forge a life here in the outdoors. Life in Tahoe is a boundless HUMAN NATURE CONNECTION that also bonds the community. It’s perfect ! I love that I can walk out my door into lush forest. I love that my community offers so many ways to be healthy together on the outdoors like races, inclusive events, gear sales and art about nature. This place never gets old and after all this time I’m still finding opportunities to EXPLORE it, LOVE it, PROTECT it!