
Danielle Hamrick

Danielle Hamrick

Danielle Hamrick

Yoga Teacher

3 Words that Describe Your Teaching Style

Intentional, Inquisitive & Joyful

Why Yoga

I find yoga to be the ultimate bridge between science and the spiritual. Its techniques have brought me to a deeper understanding of my physical self, my relationships, thoughts and feelings as well as my relationship to society and the natural world. (A lot- I know!) I love allowing the same possibilities for my students… all while remembering to keep it light & fun – it’s just yoga after all!

What’s On Your Yoga Playlist

The sound of your own breath! “Sohum hamsa” gets me every time. But I do have a soft spot for classic chants & mantras: Krishna Das, Deva Premal & Bhagavan Das… maybe with an occasional Rolling Stones jam thrown in for good measure.

Training Certifications

200hr – Liberation Yoga, Los Angeles
300hr – Hathavidya, Vermont
300hr – Loyola Marymount University Yoga Therapy Rx, Los Angeles
Functional Range Systems – Lower Body Certification, San Francisco

Who Inspires You

The human body! I’m constantly amazed at the perfection of human design and our ability to adapt and heal. I love to see my students re-discover parts of themselves, physically & otherwise.

Favorite Thing About Tahoe

I don’t know if I can name just one – I feel an overall sense of “coming home” when I’m in the mountains… and I am so excited to be a part of this community.